
Bloom Market

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Friday 10am-1pm

Next order closing {{ OrderCycle.orders_close_at() | date_in_words }}
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Friday 10am-1pm

Welcome to Bloom Market!

Our Bloom Market Partner shops can be found below:

Idia's Community Kitchen Bloom Market (Hoxton)

WoodBerry Aid Bloom Market (Manor House)

Streetbox London CIC Bloom Market (Stamford Hill) 

We bring all the buzz, fun and prices you would expect from a street market, but to your screen.

How does it work:
  1. Register with the Open Food Network
  2. Go to your local Bloom Market Partner (see the links above)
  3. Choose your items. We have a growing list of produce sourced from New Spitalfields Market and around
  4. Choose where you want to collect from (check out the service times)
  5. Select your payment method. You can pay by cash, card, or vouchers (at some sites)
  6. Collect and enjoy!

Also note:
  • There is no minimum order. Order as much or as little as you like!
  • Prices. We operate a sliding scale pricing structure. Choose cxfrom the following:
    Retail price
This is similar to what you would expect in the supermarket. When you choose this price, we have more money to do our work! Choose this if you can afford it :)
      Saver Price (a little off)
A little off the retail price. While not ALL our prices will be cheaper than the supermarkets, typically you would save 20% with these. Choose this if you just need to save a few quid for a rainy day.
      Super Saver Price (Our Cost)
This is as low as it goes. Prices here are considerably cheaper on average than your local supermarket. Choose this if budgets are tight.

 All shoppers when collecting will have the same lovely experience!

We also have free items (food and non food) for those who really need extra support. These can be accessed by contacting us so we can register you. There are no requirements to register, we will just ask some basic details and keep your information in the strictest confidence.
You do not need to purchase anything to use our service. If you are looking for extra support contact us through the contact page or reach us on the number below


You can also volunteer or donate directly with Bloom Market or directly to one of our partner organisations
Next order closing {{ OrderCycle.orders_close_at() | date_in_words }}
Orders are currently open
Choose when you want your order:
Ready for

Friday 10am-1pm

{{ shopfront.name }}'s producers:
  • {{ enterprise.name }} {{ enterprise.name }}
Bloom Market

151 Stamford Hill
London London N16 5LG

Bloom Market is part of: