
Bwyd Dyfi Hub

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Collect Tues 30th July 3.30-5:30pm

Next order closing {{ OrderCycle.orders_close_at() | date_in_words }}
Orders are currently open
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Collect Tues 30th July 3.30-5:30pm

Welcome to the Bwyd Dyfi Hub!

Thank you for choosing to shop with us :-)


Our online shop is open for you to order from Thursday at 1pm through to Sunday at 7.30pm.

Just click the 'Shop' tab above to see what's available this week and subscribe to our newsletter here.


Collect between 3.30pm and 5.30, or Wednesdays between 12 midday and 2pm at the ECO Food Sharing Hub, 15 Chalybeate Street, SY23 1HS, or bike delivery up to 4km out of town.  We also deliver along a linear route between Aberystwyth and Machynlleth, please contact us for more details - contact@bwyddyfihub.co.uk

Amending your order

You can amend your order (delete items or edit quantities) at any time before 19.30 on Sundays by selecting 'Edit' alongside the order in your account. You can check if there's a balance to pay or credit due after you've made changes under the 'Transactions' tab in your account.

Regular subscription orders

You can set up a regular subscription order for some of your favourite produce and choose to receive it every week or fortnight. You can also order a regular mixed box and let us do the choosing for you.  Please email us at contact@bwyddyfihub.co.uk for more information.


Payments are via bank card or credit card.


Important Allergen Information: Bwyd Dyfi Hub handles all allergens and, while we take care to avoid contamination, we cannot guarantee that cross-contamination does not take place. All food including unpackaged, allergen-free foods must be considered a risk and customers with particular allergies must be aware of this. Bwyd Dyfi Hub will not assume any liability for adverse reactions from any products consumed or from items one may come in contact with whilst consuming any products provided through Bwyd Dyfi Hub.

Please note that all of our produce is unwashed so make sure that everything is washed thoroughly prior to consumption.


Croeso i Hwb Bwyd Dyfi!

Diolch i chi am ddewis siopa gyda ni :-)


Mae ein siop ar-lein ar agor i chi archebu eich bwyd o ddydd Iau am 1pm tan ddydd Sul am 7.30pm.

Cliciwch ar y tab 'Siop' uchod i weld beth sydd ar gael yr wythnos hon a 
thanysgrifiwch i'n cylchlythyr yma.

​Casglu/cludo ​

Casglwch rhwng 3.30pm a 5.30pm, neu ddydd Mercher rhwng 12 canol dydd a 2pm yn Hwb Rhannu Bwyd ECO, 15 Chalybeate Street, SY23 1HS, neu gludiant ar feic hyd at 4km y tu allan i'r dref.  Rydym hefyd yn cynnig cludiant ar hyd llwybr llinellol rhwng Aberystwyth a Machynlleth, cysylltwch â ni am ragor o fanylion - bwyddyfihub@gmail.com.

Diwygio Eich Archeb

Gallwch newid eich archeb (dileu eitemau neu olygu niferoedd) unrhyw bryd cyn 19.30 ar ddydd Sul trwy ddewis 'Golygu' ochr yn ochr â'r archeb yn eich cyfrif. Gallwch wirio a oes balans i'w dalu neu gredyd sy'n ddyledus ar ôl i chi wneud newidiadau o dan y tab 'Trafodion' yn eich cyfrif.

Archebion Tanysgrifio

Gallwch sefydlu archeb danysgrifio reolaidd ar gyfer rhai o'ch hoff gynhyrchion a dewis ei dderbyn bob wythnos neu bythefnos. Anfonwch e-bost atom yn contact@bwyddyfihub.co.uk i drefnu hyn.


Gwneir taliadau trwy gerdyn banc neu gerdyn credyd.


Sylwch fod ein holl gynhyrchion heb eu golchi felly gwnewch yn siŵr bod popeth yn cael ei olchi cyn ei fwyta.

Next order closing {{ OrderCycle.orders_close_at() | date_in_words }}
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Collect Tues 30th July 3.30-5:30pm

{{ shopfront.name }}'s producers:
  • {{ enterprise.name }} {{ enterprise.name }}
Bwyd Dyfi Hub

ECO Food Sharing Hub, 15 Chalybeate Street
Aberystwyth Ceredigion SY23 1HS

Bwyd Dyfi Hub is part of: