
New Dawn Traders

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  We bring together a network of small producers, beautiful sailing ships, and passionate allies to deliver the most delicious goods from across the oceans, with the power of the wind.


  Creating a sustainable economy around sailing cargo ships is our biggest challenge. The ships we work with are not sailing to compete with Maersk. Our ships, like the olive trees, demand our patience, loyalty, and love. They ask us to be human and not ‘consumers’. 

  By purchasing in advance the cost of both the cargo and the voyage is shared amongst many and the financial risk of a voyage is removed. By collecting from the ship, your Port Ally or Community Broker, the onward distribution and storage needs are also shared and reduced. By buying larger amounts to last you a season or to share with family and friends, we reduce packaging waste and take one more item off your weekly supermarket lists.

  In this way, we can start small as individuals or groups, whilst all together we are filling the ship’s hold and creating voyage routes where every port arrival is like a homecoming. As sail-cargo-pioneers, your support is launching a system of trade that is truly able to bring global consumption back to a human scale.

  The ship’s arrival becomes a chance to celebrate a job well done, with music, tastings and talks!



Our pricing explained:


We are offering most products at 2 different prices: a SOLIDARITY and a RETAIL price, and you’re probably wondering why?

We are experimenting with giving our customers a choice to pay what they can afford. There are some who can pay the retail price and this subsidises the solidarity price for those on a budget.

We recognise that our customers come from all sorts of different backgrounds. What we all share, is caring about the quality of our food and respect for the people who make and deliver it.

Good food and community are, after all, basic human needs. But, living in an economic system that rewards profit over the care of our planet or our people, means that making the common sense choice is often more costly.

The industrial food and transport systems are “affordable” because they run on subsidised fossil fuels and cheap dehumanising labour. Our own financial situations mean that often it seems like we have no choice but to support a broken system.

We may share the same values for what we want to eat, but we do not all share the same economic circumstances. This is why we trust in you, without judgment, to make the right choice for you at this moment.

​Start a Port Enterprise:

  If you can coordinate and collect orders for your broader community, why not join our growing network of Port Enterprises and bring a sail cargo ship into a port or harbour near you? Minimum total cargo volume applies, get in touch for a Port Enterprise Brochure and Price List: info@newdawntraders.com


Due to these unusual times, we are taking extra precautions and following government guidelines in order to keep our community safe. We will keep to our plans for deliveries this year even though our collection events may be cancelled. We will give plenty notice of any changes and offer other suitable collection or delivery options if needed.

If anything, we can see now how important it is to invest in all the small enterprises, like those in our networks, who are detrimental to the health and vibrancy of their local (and our global) communities.

May our ships be both a symbolic and very much real link between us and our international friends. Extending our local sustainable food culture across oceans, without costing the earth (or sea). 

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2nd of August

{{ shopfront.name }}'s producers:
  • {{ enterprise.name }} {{ enterprise.name }}
New Dawn Traders

Waterside House
Penryn Cornwall TR10 8BE
